Friday, August 29, 2008

Pythagorus and rectangles

OK, I measured 20x24, but after spending time spreading and tamping, I decide to check the diagonals, and they're 3' off!!
I had this all squared away before the tractor spread it, so all I can think of is the tractor didn't spread it along my paint markings.
Doesn't help that I'm running out of gravel.

After relocating some of the gravel, I don't have enough, and LCL is not open to deliver me more.

Gravel spread 2

After getting back from a trip, I stopped in to Wayne's place to see if he could spread the crushed gravel, but decide to start it myself since it's easier to shovel. I get a call from Wayne a few days later saying he can't spread it since he's got a hydraulic leak. No problem since I have most of it spread anyway.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Gravel 2

Got one load of crushed gravel from LCL to spread over base.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gravel spread

Dave Good came in to spread the gravel to roughly the 20 x 24 foot rectangle that I painted. $60 for one hour.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Got 2 loads of pit-run gravel from LCL Excavation - $65 ea.
Roughly laid out the 20 x 24 foot site and painted lines as a guide for plow later.